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Fire Department Rank Structure

Writer: Chief Jerry StreichChief Jerry Streich

The United States Fire Service is a paramilitary organization structured using a top-down hierarchy to manage its operation. The organization is divided using rank to maintain a span of control to better define roles and responsibilities. The individual's rank is identified by insignia worn on the uniform collar and badge. The fire service uses a bugle as a display of job class. This is a historic symbol of the communication bugle that was once used by fire officers to amplify their commands on the fire ground prior to the use of handheld radios.

The insignia is typically displayed using silver or gold. Traditionally, gold has a higher value, so those wearing rank with a crossed bugle are in gold which symbolizes their higher position within the organization. These people are focused on managing an area of the department or incident. Those wearing the rank of silver are at the operational level getting the work done and are frequently the ones you see on the emergency scene.

In most departments, the first level of rank within the fire service is the firefighter, and their rank is displayed on their badge or nameplate. Unless your department has Motor Vehicle Operators, the next rank will be a Lieutenant. This is a first-level supervisor who typically manages a group of people within a fire company, station, battalion, or department.

Each one of the levels is managed by a group of people. If everyone had the same rank and role, there would be chaos. A fire company may be assigned to a fire engine, also known as an engine company. Within the fire station, you could have multiple fire companies such as a ladder company, rescue company, boat, and more. The Lieutenant is typically the one managing the company and making decisions for the group. In some cases, the captain will do this as well. As the picture shows above, the captain is of higher rank than the Lieutenant. If both were in the room, the captain would be in charge.

When we go above the fire captain, we see the bugles crossed on the uniform. The first crossed bugle moves into the administration level of the fire department as a fire inspector, public educator, and investigator. A three-bugle is typically one who oversees a battalion. A "battalion" is a geographical area of the community. Battalion Chiefs manage that area and the responders within it. They are a third-tier from the fire chief helping manage the operation. Four bugles represent an assistant fire chief, or some call it the deputy chief. This is the second tier from the fire chief and often acts as the fire chief when the chief is out of the office. With all the ranks, there can be multiple positions within one organization. The larger the department, the more rank you will see.

The fire chief wears the most rank with five crossed bugles. I like to say, the more bugles you have, the louder your voice will carry. The fire chief is responsible for the department, and he or she appoints the fire officers to assist them in managing the department. It is too large of a task for one person to manage alone. Those who are entrusted with the rank work within the leadership team and are known as the fire officers. Although all of us report to the fire chief, the hierarchy allows the chief to stay focused on the department's management without getting bogged down by the daily operational demands. Fire Chiefs are still firefighters but now hold the additional duty of managing the department. The job can be demanding, from managing a budget to ensuring an appropriate response to emergencies.

When on the emergency scene, rank is determined by a standard helmet coloring system. Firefighters wear yellow or black helmets, company officers (Lieutenants and Captains) wear red helmets, and chief officers wear white. When looking into the crowd of people, you can clearly see what rank someone is.

Effective departments understand the importance of the fire department hierarchy, also known as the fire department "chain of command." While inside the fire station can be less formal, on the fire ground, it is important to adhere to a strict chain of command to ensure tasks are completed and communication is transmitted effectively. When addressing one another inside the fire stations, some simply use each other's names. Outside the fire station, however, we address one another by our rank. For example, if you were at the city council meeting and wanted to speak to the chief, you would say, "Chief, may I speak with you?" On the fire ground, you may call one another using your rank and last name. Lieutenant Smith, Firefighter Henry, and so on. This displays respect and professionalism, which is essential for our reputation within the community.

Becoming an officer is not for everyone; it does come with a burden. Your focus is to assist the fire chief in managing a complex and unpredictable organization. As mentioned, fire officers are an extension of the fire chief's mission and vision and work to ensure quality service is provided following policies and procedures. Becoming an officer will excel you into new information and provide you with a broader picture of what the fire service is all about. Never stop learning and always reach for the top. You CAN do it!

In 2014, the State of Minnesota Fire Chiefs Association created a Ceremonies and Protocol Manual that can help guide you through some of the questions related to the wear of the uniform, ceremonies, and the proper display of the United States Flag. This manual is accessible to all fire departments within Minnesota on their website at

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